Culture & Lifestyle
Published April 28, 2023

Spider-Verse Heroes Araña and Spider-Man 2099 Go on a Cross-Time Team-Up in ‘Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow’

The prose novel by Alex Segura hits bookstores on May 2. Read an excerpt here!


Araña is a Spider-Girl lost in time…

Miguel O’Hara is a Spider-Man who’s lost his way…

Together, they’re our only hope.

Cover to Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow.
Cover to Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow

Alex Segura, the award-winning author of Secret Identity and Star Wars Poe Dameron: Free Fall, brings two fan-favorite Spider-Verse heroes together in prose for the first time. And it all kicks off in new time-hopping adventure Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow.

Araña. It means spider—and it also means Anya Corazon. She was a normal Brooklyn teenager with normal Brooklyn problems—until a few months ago, when she was gifted with amazing spiderlike abilities, from super-strength and heightened agility to web-slinging. A powerful mentor guided her on how best to use these new powers for good—until Anya lost him, just as she lost her mother, just as she’s about to lose everything she knows.

Nueva York. It is the future of New York City, the home of the Spider-Man of 2099, and where Anya finds herself stranded, tossed across the century. And Nueva York’s Spider-Man, billionaire CEO Miguel O’Hara, is Araña’s only hope of getting home. But Araña and Spider-Man are about to discover that the enemies they face have dark and powerful connections to both heroes—and that this unlikely team across time will need to save much more than each other…

Read an exclusive excerpt from Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow below, then order or pick up your copy in bookstores on May 2!


The girl named Anya Corazon was pacing around Miguel’s huge office. He, along with his holoassistant, Lyla, watched her intently. She flailed her arms around as she spoke.

“I need help, okay? A few hours ago, I was chasing down these thugs who’d stolen some giant Cuban rock, and then it blasted me, and now I’m here, in the future—and I don’t know what the heck to do with myself,” she said, exasperated. “I need help.”

Miguel started to respond, but Anya barreled on—her eyes pleading as she looked at him.

“I need Spider-Man.”

Lyla met Miguel’s stare. He looked away.

“Spider-Man’s out of the picture—been gone for a while. There’s no hope there,” Miguel said stiffly. “You’re out of luck.”

Miguel watched as Anya’s shoulders slumped, defeat reflected in every movement. Miguel knew he could resolve this—at least for himself—easily. He could walk Anya down to the Temporal Authorities and let them handle it. This was their area of expertise—managing time anomalies and ensuring the sanctity of the timestream. Though he’d hopped back and forth through time more often than he liked to remember, he wasn’t an expert, Spider-Man or not.

But he saw something in this girl—a defiance and bravery that reminded him of himself, years ago. Before things went dark. She was confident but also smart enough to know when she needed help. Miguel wanted to do what he could to help her. To a point.

“Not sure I can help, honestly—but think it over?” Miguel said. He waved an arm around his office. “I have some sway here.”

“What, you’re like a gajillionaire? Great. Future Tony Stark is gonna take me home,” Anya said, her words dripping with sarcasm. “Hasn’t capitalism died yet?”

“You need me more than I need you, kid,” Miguel said, ignoring the jab. “Let’s start at the beginning. How did you get here? What’s the last thing you remember?”

Miguel could tell this girl was scared. Brave, but frightened. She was doing something he himself had done a lot in his early days as a hero. Using sarcasm and verbal barbs to shield the panic that was boiling over and threatening to consume him.

Anya shared her story—about El Obelisco, the event, how she chased the thieves into Brooklyn, and the final confrontation. Miguel listened intently, but he felt his pulse quicken as she got close to the end, when she described the man who set the obelisk’s blast on her.

“Describe him again,” Miguel said flatly.

Anya was confused but did as he’d asked anyway.

“Like I said, he was odd—tall, long gray hair and mustache, looked like he stumbled out of a used costume shop . . . beads and bracelets and all that kind of stuff. Cackling like my abuela used to when the telenovelas were on. Super creepy.”

Miguel stepped around his desk and crouched in front of Anya. She seemed surprised by the move. Lyla looked on with concern.

“What was his name?”

Anya hesitated a moment before saying the words.

“Traveller,” she said. “His name was Judas Traveller.”

Miguel stood up with a jerk, muttering “Traveller” to himself. He knew Anya was confused. He himself was confused. But this wasn’t a coincidence. He had to think.

He walked out of the office, leaving the lost young girl and his assistant behind. He had to think. He had to get away. He didn’t want this now. Ever.

“Uh . . .” Anya said. “What?”

She looked up at Lyla, who was shrugging her holo-shoulders.

“He does that sometimes,” she said. “It’s part of his charm.”


Want to keep reading? Check out Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow by Alex Segura from Marvel Press, out May 2 wherever books are sold!


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