Landing his ship on Earth for routine maintenance, Caffrey angrily chased after his partner,
Tlaango, for leaving without permission.
Spider-Man stumbled upon the scene and assumed Caffrey intended to injure Tlaango, so Spider-Man helped Tlaango escape.
Captain Marvel was also watching the scenario play out and decided to intervene by confronting Caffrey. When Caffrey turned his energy whip on Marvel, Caffrey was jolted unconscious by a blast from Marvel. He awoke as the plaintiff of a mock trial Marvel presided over, and his attorney was a serial killer named
Karl Coven. Tlaango and Spider-Man were the defendant and opposing attorney. Caffrey protested the trial and threatened to file a formal grievance with the government on his homeworld for being subjected to the charade, but Coven who now shared some of Marvel's cosmic power broke Caffrey's neck before that could happen.