Hailing from alternate reality Earth-10310, Deadpool Pulp is an ex-prisoner of war who has multiple personalities and a penchant for killing. As an operative for the United States government, he’s tasked to eliminate rogue agents, even if they’re giving the orders.
Unreliable Memory
Canadian Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool, works for the U.S. during World War II. He trains in the jungles of India with Merrill’s Marauders to take back Singapore from the Japanese 18th Division. His team uses hit-and-run tactics and while the group undermines the 18th Division’s communication lines, Wade becomes a prisoner or war where he suffers torture for almost a year. He eventually learns that the U.S. government is responsible for his capture, and in taking him to Cuba, transforms him into a stealth killer and sleeper agent.
Some in the government see him as a patriot while others a lunatic. Wade admits that he likes to kill people and the U.S. government gives him carte blanche to do so as long as it serves their interests.
Strategy and Swords
Wade is trained in military strategy and tactics from his time as a soldier in World War II and can handle himself without any weapons. Though, he often wields two katanas and finds that a pistol is sometimes much faster than a sword.
Ultimate Foes
CIA agent Inez Temple, AKA Outlaw, goes rogue and ends up on the other end of Deadpool’s line of sight, despite her being the only woman that he’s ever loved.
Though he trusts the U.S. government agent Cable and takes orders from him, Deadpool finds that Cable has other nefarious goals and that’s to start World War III.
Colleagues of Convenience
Though often a lone assassin, Wade allies with the U.S. government, Merrill’s Marauders, and the Deadpool Corps. He even falls in love with Outlaw though they eventually end up on opposing sides.
Diagnosis: Psychosis
When rogue CIA agent Outlaw steals a nuclear briefcase that could level half a city, FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover, General Stryfe and CIA spook Cable called in their best operative to intercept the threat: Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool. After a psychological assessment, the Doctor diagnosed him as a psychotic with multiple personality disorders, having at least three distinct personalities with Deadpool being one of them. It was the doctor’s professional opinion that Wade should be institutionalized. Though the government worked around this assessment and hired Wade anyway to take out Outlaw who was after her next target, the owner of one of two keys to the briefcase, who also invented it: Doctor Jackson Hammer.
Wade visited a haunt of Hammer’s where he met Lefty, a woman who Hammer helped with her prosthetic arm. Together they went to his apartment where Outlaw had trashed the place and left a note for Wade. Wade then met Outlaw at a fancy restaurant where they reminisced about old times and danced until pulling guns on one another. Outlaw shot him in the arm and made her escape. Wade followed but couldn’t catch up with her.
Investigating Hammer’s apartment once more, Wade realized that Outlaw only messed up the place to make it look like a struggle. He continued investigating where Hammer might be and went to Cuba. There, he was captured by a traitorous Cable as was Hammer who perished. Cable informed Wade about his past. While he fought in the South Pacific, he was kidnapped for a secret program in Guantanamo Bay where he was broken and transformed into a stealth killer. Cable used a set of code words to unlock the sleeper agent inside Wade, another personality, and ordered him to assassinate a Junior Senator in Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy. But Wade fought the additional personality and turned on Cable. With Stryfe’s help, Deadpool tied him to a bomb and let it explode.
In Manhattan at the Statue of Liberty, Wade soon caught up with Outlaw, who had activated the bomb in the briefcase. They fought hand to hand and ended up in the drink, both handcuffed to the briefcase. After the explosion, Stryfe fished Wade out of the water and offered him a cure to his cancer, something that would make him stronger and faster and the program was called Weapon X. Wade expressed interest and joined the program.
When Earth-12101’s Dreadpool gathered evil Deadpool doppelgängers from across the Multiverse, Deadpool Pulp joined Earth-616’s Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool, on the Deadpool Corps. Though he doesn’t last long and perished.