


Very little is known about Hybelea before he was persuaded into helping Annihilus invade the positive matter universe. Hybelea and the other Centurions were duped into believing that they were protecting the Negative Zone from being consumed by the positive matter universe. On Daedalus 5, a system on the periphery of the Kree Empire, Annihilus finally employed the Centurions led by Hybelea, as a united strike team. Despite opposing forces that included the likes of Nova (Richard Rider), Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Ronan the Accuser, the Super Skrull and two former Heralds of Galactus, the Centurions assault broke the back of the resisting forces, effectively ending the military phase of the war.

Eventually Galactus destroyed the Annihilation Wave and Annilus himself was slain by Nova. Annihilus' second-in-command, Ravenous, agreed to a truce and Annihilus' Negative Zone forces occupied most of the former Skrull Empire as well as a number of former Kree worlds. Hybelea was among the Centurions that began to question their involvement in the destruction wrought by the Annihilation Wave and began leaving Ravenous, although many of the Centurions remained loyal to his rule and enjoyed the spoils of war, by obtaining governorships of conquered worlds. The Herald known as Firelord took up his own vigilante campaign against Ravenous and his forces, by traveling world to world and slaying the allies of Ravenous.

Hybelea, began to consider assassinating those who refuse to leave Ravenous, and on the planet of Omina Prime one group of these rebels found themselves in combat with fellow compatriot Warlord Smyt. The battle was interrupted by the arrival of Firelord, who began killing the assembled Centurions after Smyt refused to surrender. Hybelea convinced Firelord that some of the Centurions remembered their noble past and were rejecting Ravenous. Firelord ultimately allowed Hybelea and his crew of Centurions to live, agreeing, should they meet again, to judge them not on their past but on their actions henceforth, saying that they must "do right or die."









Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

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