Timothy WilkersonProdigy

Genius teenager and Gamma-mutate Prodigy works alongside the Gamma Corps as a Hulkbuster.



Joining the Gamma Corps, Prodigy uses his Gamma-enhancements to take vengeance on the Jade Giant that destroyed his life.


Vast Intelligence

While still in utero, Timothy Wilkerson experiences a stroke when his parents suffer a traumatizing encounter with Bruce Banner, AKA Hulk, in Ontario, Canada. The experience puts Timothy in a coma. 

Seeking to recruit others to destroy the Hulk’s life, disgruntled General John Ryker creates the Gamma Corps, a rogue superhuman military unit whose members bond over their personal grudges against the Hulk. He experiments upon Timothy, artificially aging him several years to become a young teen. In this experiment, Timothy receives Samuel Sterns, AKA Leader’s DNA as well, bringing him out of his coma-like state and granting him vast intelligence as Prodigy. He joins Ryker’s Gamma Corps to take his revenge upon the Hulk for affecting his life and becomes an integral part of the team.


Mental Prowess

Receiving the DNA of the Gamma-irradiated Leader, Timothy ages from an infant to a teenager, which also turns his skin green and enlarges his head. From the DNA, Timothy also receives genius-level intelligence. With this intelligence, he designs and creates advanced technology, including weapons for the Gamma Corps. He can also disorient others with a form of telepathy or telekinesis, but it’s not clear if this is an innate ability or from the technology he creates.

Timothy’s mind only requires fifteen minutes, thirty-six seconds of sleep per night.


Lying Foes

Timothy goes up against the Hulk alongside the United States government-sponsored Gamma Corps. Though initially allied with the government, Timothy uncovers the truth about his origins, which shifts his loyalty to them.


Gamma-Mutated Allies

Timothy allies with General Ryker’s Gamma Corps team, including Eliot Franklin, AKA Griffin, Gideon Wilson, AKA Mister Gideon, Nicole Martin, AKA Mess, and Brian Talbot, AKA Grey.


Busting Baddies

Timothy joined Gamma Corps on their first mission, helping take out their target, another gamma-mutated individual and Ryker’s previous experiment Benjamin “Benny” Tibets, AKA Flux. While there, the team learned the Hulk had returned from his former exile. 

Ryker devised a trap for the Hulk while Timothy created a toxin from the Hulk’s DNA that would temporarily disable him. Once used, the toxin helped Gamma Corps to get close to the Hulk and snap his neck, allowing Timothy to attach a telepathic communication device to Hulk so that Ryker could speak with him privately. However, the Hulk started to heal and Mess attacked him, dislodging the device and allowing Hulk to get the upper hand. He implied to the Corps that they were being lied to by the government, placing doubt in their minds. To quell his doubt, Timothy tested himself and discovered that his mother had a heroin addicition during her pregnancy. He realized that his development wasn’t due to her encounter with the Hulk at all and further discovered more truths behind Mess’ condition. Feeling betrayed by the government, Timothy and the Gamma Corps sought new targets and plotted against the Hulk’s enemies, the Illuminati.

Timothy went underground with the Gamma Corps and pursued their first target: Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man. He used his inventions to trace Iron Man, who followed the trace back to the Corps’ hideout. When he arrived, the Corps realized it was Norman Osborn, AKA Green Goblin, in his Iron Patriot suit. The Corps greeted him with violence and Prodigy squeezed his carotid artery with his mind, nearly giving him a stroke before Osborn offered them redemption. Releasing him, they all heard him out. Osborn invited them to join H.A.M.M.E.R. to hunt unregistered superhumans.

When Banner gets shot in the head and healed with Extremis, he becomes a hyper-intelligent Hulk and sees all Gamma-enhanced beings as a threat to the world. Calling himself Doc Green, he set out to de-power them all and depowered them all he did, including Prodigy.









Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers