Ransak the RejectRansak

A Deviant that lives among their enemies, the Eternals, Ransak is a near unstoppable fighter who battles with a fierce frenzy.



Unequaled in combat and a born killer, Ransak is still a reject to his own people, the Deviants. After battling his own kind in a warrior’s arena, he is offered sanctuary in Olympia with the Eternals by Thena, a royal Eternal herself. Alongside his fellow Deviant and mutate Karkas and Thena, Ransak learns the ways of her people and joins them to protect humanity.


Dismissed by Deviants

Deviants, an offshoot of humanity created by Celestials, possess an unstable genetic code, which causes random mutations from one generation to the next; no Deviant child has been known to resemble its parents and Ransak is no exception. As the secret son to the Inhuman-Deviant Maelstrom and the Deviant Medula, Ransak is born with the appearance of a human and as such is deemed a Reject by the Deviant society. He grows up in said society of Lemuria without his father (who previously abandoned Medula unaware that she was pregnant) and becomes a fierce fighter known as Ransak the Reject.

Since Deviants scorn aberrations, they implore their Monarch, Brother Tode, to condemn Ransak the Reject for his repellant appearance, claiming he could be taken for an Eternal or a foul human. Tode decrees that they must find an opponent to defeat Ransak to see if he is worthy to live. He earns the name Master-Killer in the combat arena. At the mere mention of defeat, Ransak battles with savage fury and scatters his trainers across the preparation room, only to be joined later in the arena by the massive mutate, Karkas. The royal spectators watch the battle begin from safety in the stands and among them are the Deviant Warlord Kro and his guest Thena the Eternal. Thena tries to prevent the battle seeing Ransak as a boy with a fair visage worth more than anything in the Deviants domain.

Thena calls out to Tode that the match is unfair but the battle begins as Ransak uses a Power-Rod against Karkas. Karkas asks Ransak why he fights him but Ransak’s frenzy is unstoppable. In nearly pummeling the already downed Karkas, the Deviant guards try to put a stop to Ransak’s rage. He defeats the guards and advances towards the royals in the stands but a protective energy blocks his path. He screams his hatred for the spectators and threatens to kill them all but Thena, unafraid, takes pity on him. Tode declares that the Reject is unfit to live and orders Kro to kill him. Though Kro is interrupted by an earth-shattering tremor from a Celestial’s arrival, and Ransak sees an opportunity for vengeance.

Ransak’s anger drives him to strangle Kro but a blinding flash hurls them apart. He blames Thena and attempts an attack on her next. Channeling her own cosmic energy, she blasts him back, though he attacks once more and Karkas, speaking with sensitivity, asks for sanctuary for both of them. Thena offers them the protection of Olympia, her home, and to learn the way of the Eternals. Ransak now a charge of Thena’s is teleported away by her hand with his former enemy in battle, Karkas, in tow.


Superhuman Strength and Righteous Rage

Ransak is a Deviant that resembles a human and therefore deemed a Reject by Deviant society. His appalling visage is mocked and feared by other Deviants. Mutations sometimes grant Deviants superhuman abilities, such as telepathy or strength; Ransak is trained as a fighter and enters a powerful rage that augments his strength and durability to superhuman levels. His genetic mutation also includes regenerative durability in that it enables a fast recovery from injuries.

As a trained fighter with his near-Berserker-level rage, he is an excellent hand-to-hand and armed combatant. He is known to use a Power-Rod and swords while battling opponents.


Deviant Foes

Despite being a Deviant himself, Ransak hates his own people for ostracizing him for his whole life in Lemuria. The Deviant Monarch, Brother Tode, insists on putting the battle-tested Ransak up against the mutate Karkas to see if he’s worthy to live. Ransak defeats Karkas only to be teleported away by the Eternal Thena. While freed from his shackles, his hatred for his people remains and he fights and slays them at every opportunity.


Eternal Allies 

Seeing Ransak battle the Karkas, the Eternal Thena takes pity on Ransak and invites both him and Karkas to live and learn as Eternals in Olympia. Accepting the offer, Ransak remains ferocious, though he comes to get along with Thena and works closely with her and Karkas.


Ransak’s Record

In Olympia, Ransak earned the moniker “Sweet Prince” though he was still ferocious and understood that strength not kindness sustained him. He adventured with Thena and Karkas, looked for New Lemuria, and fought the Deviants. Ransak had no qualms about fighting his people as they had only ever brought him pain. Thena restores Ransak’s true image as Master-Killer and adorns him with his arena costume to fight Tutinax, a time-displaced murderer. Ransak and Karkas defeated Tutinax and sent him back to his original timeline. 

Ransak stayed on Earth when the Eternals chose to leave the planet but he was not alone. He was left with Karkas and Kingo Sunen, a warrior who taught him discipline. Kingo also gave Ransak and Karkas roles in his Japanese films. Ransak later fought and killed Deviants in the Pacific Ocean without showing any signs of remorse. He then joined Kro’s Delta Network of Deviants whose purpose was to improve relations between human and Deviants.

When the Deviant High Priest Ghaur gained control of Lemuria, he mind-controlled Ransak. The Heroes for Hire saved Ransak restoring his mind and he went on to help Kro in reclaiming Lemuria from Ghaur. 

Though both Ransak and Karkas were mutated by En Sabah Nur, AKA Apocalypse, they were both eventually restored. Ransak toted the moniker Warhead and joined the New Breed, a team led by the Eternal Ikaris, for a time. 

When another Eternal, Sprite, cast a spell that cleared out all Eternals from Olympia, Ransak eventually returned to the city to guard it with Karkas. They are visited by the Asgardian God of Thunder Thor Odinson, AKA Thor, who seeks their help in defeating the Deviant Sorceress Ereshkigal who is attempting to rewrite reality with Asgard’s Unbinding Stone. Though they are quickly invaded by Kro and Deviants seeking the Eternals’ resurrection chamber to restore their sterile dying breed. Ransak, Karkas, the remaining Eternals and Thor fought them to no avail and they stole not only the chamber, but also Phastos, the Eternal technician that knows its inner workings.

Ransak, Thor and Karkas traveled to Lemuria but Ransak and Karkas were soon captured and pitted against one another for the amusement of Ghaur’s priesthood, with Karkas under mind-control. They were only to be freed if Thor and Phastos agreed to repair the resurrection chamber with the help of Vibranium. While Phastos had other plans for the Vibranium and the Unbinding Stone, Thor propelled himself with the Vibranium into the stone and saved Lemuria, Ransak and Karkas. The Deviant’s Ghaur, Ereshkigal and Tutinax went missing leaving Kro in charge who demands Ransak stay and repopulate the race with his stable DNA. Refusing, Ransak, Thor and Karkas began to fight off Kro and his Deviants while Phastos offered another path: to stay and help them solve their dilemma. 

Leaving Phastos behind, the group returned to Olympia and shortly thereafter Ransak spotted the Uni-Mind in the sky and the return of all the absent Eternals. Before Thor departed, they sought discretion regarding their reappearance and to remain apart from all other society.








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Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Group Affiliation
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Place of Origin

  • Identity

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers

  • Group Affiliation