Deadpool Corps

When tapped by the Elders of the Universe to gather a crack team of his alternate universe selves, Deadpool can’t say no and the Deadpool Corps is born.



One of the modern era’s most erratic and dysfunctional Super Hero coalitions, the Deadpool Corps, consisting of Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool, and his alternate universe variants, band together to help save the Multiverse against a threat that could destroy everything in existence.


Save the Day: Deadpool Style

Hired by Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) to locate the zombified, disembodied head of Deadpool from Earth-2149, Headpool, Deadpool-616 had a change of heart and decided to help return Headpool to his home dimension. Deadpool, Headpool, Dr. Betty Swanson (an A.I.M. scientist and Deadpool-616's contact within the organization), and A.I.M. agent Bill traveled to the Florida Everglades so Deadpool could use the Nexus of Realities, a focal point uniting all dimensions, to return Headpool to his dimension. However, two dimensional counterparts entering the Nexus at the same time causes a disruption in the Nexus, sending Deadpool and Headpool to various other dimensions, locking onto the location of that reality’s Deadpool. The pair first travels to Earth-6466 where they meet Major Wilson, codenamed Deadpool, of S.H.I.E.L.D., who capture them believing that they were scouts sent from an invading force through the dimensional portal. Tricking Major Wilson into believing Headpool was a symbiote and the pair need each other to survive, Deadpool-616 gains the upper hand and escapes with Headpool into the dimensional portal. 

The duo travels next to Earth-3010, where the United States removed all alienable rights and liberties of its people, creating a fascist state enforced by Captain America (later General America), S.H.I.E.L.D., and the giant robotic Sentinels. While there, they encounter Wanda Wilson, AKA Lady Deadpool, while she battles General America. The Deadpool duo help Lady Deadpool escape capture, and Deadpool-616 throws Headpool at Captain America, allowing him to bite Captain America's arm. In order to stop the spread of Zombie virus, Deadpool-616 cuts Captain America's arm off. After a quick goodbye, the pair enters the dimensional portal again, taking the infected arm with them. 

The deadly duo next travel to Earth-1108 where Deadpool-616 swiftly shoots and apparently kills the cowboy Deadpool Kid. When they return to Earth-616, Sorcerer Supreme Jericho Drumm, AKA Doctor Voodoo, stabilizes the Nexus to allow Deadpool to return Headpool to his home dimension. Deadpool and Headpool enter the portal, but once Ted Sallis, AKA Man-Thing, guardian of the Nexus, appears, Dr. Swanson and Bill enter the portal as well to escape Man-Thing. 

Deadpool-616 is contacted by an Elder of the Universe to recruit a team of alternate dimension versions of himself to save the Multiverse. Having already come into contact with alternate versions of himself and generally getting along with “himself,” Deadpool readily agrees and the Deadpool Corps is born.


A Dysfunctional Functioning “Family”

Led by Deadpool-616, the most skilled mercenary in the world and the most annoying, the Deadpool Corps includes Deadpools of the Multiverse. There’s the devious but lovable Headpool (the zombie Deadpool head from Earth-2149), the sexy-but-insecure Lady Deadpool of Earth-3010, the bratty yet brilliant Wade Wilson, AKA Kidpool, from Earth-10330, and the irascible canine known as Dogpool from Earth-103173. They work together to save the Multiverse and stop the forces of evil. 

The team eventually adds several other alternate Deadpools from across the Multiverse to their ranks, including a giant panda bear known as Pandapool of Earth-51315, Frederick Wilson, AKA Golden Age Deadpool of Earth-67484, and Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool Pulp, of Earth-10310. Other Deadpools that join include Tryco Slatterus, AKA Championpool, Motorpool, and Beard of Beespool.

When the Deadpools in the universe are divided into good and evil versions, Deadpool Corps’ members fall under “good.” But when most of the good Deadpools in the corps perish, a small bunch of Deadpools from across the Multiverse join up. These reserve ranks include Watari, AKA Ronin Deadpool, of Earth-11542, Squirrelpool of Earth-41627, Grootpool of Earth-77281, Knightpool of Earth-13415, Hawkeyepool of Earth-17328, and Chibipool of Earth-31539.


Evil ‘Pools

Wade Wilson, AKA Dreadpool, of Earth-12101 is the Deadpool Corps most fearsome foe as he’s got an ax to grind against all Deadpools across the Multiverse. Dreadpool gathers a coalition known as the Evil Deadpool Corps, including Earth-1108’s Deadpool Kid, Earth-295’s Dead Man Wade, and Deadpool from Earth-1610, and they go to battle with the Deadpool Corps, leaving both groups decimated.


Super ‘Pool Allies

The Deadpool Corps are a tight knit crew of Deadpools from across the cosmos. They ally with the Elders of the Universe, taking on a mission to save the Multiverse; the space pirate known as Broken Blade, and the Omega Confederation of Planets, who hire them for a job, though they betray the latter.


The Corps Log

Deadpool first returned to Earth-3010 to recruit Lady Deadpool, who Deadpool once again helped escape from General America. Deadpool next traveled to Earth-10330, an Earth where the Xavier Institute became a boarding school for mutant boys like Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Angel, and others, where he recruited Wade Wilson, AKA Kidpool, who believed he was destined for bigger and better things than the rest of the other students. Deadpool finally traveled to Earth-103173, a reality where scientists Von Braun and Eigor conducted the Mascara-X Project, a process similar to Earth-616's Weapon X Program, on a dog in hopes to create a new process for the Babelline Cosmetics company that would give its customers eternal youth. Believed dead, the scientists discarded the dog's body, but it was discovered by a local circus who exploited the dog's power giving him the name “Deadpool, the Daredevil Dog,” until Deadpool-616 recruited him for the Deadpool Corps and he became known as Dogpool. 

Soon after his return home, Headpool was inadvertently transported to Earth-1058, where he was mistakenly believed to be a genetic anomaly and taken to Dr. Killcraven on Goat Skull Island for experimentation. Deadpool-616 then traveled to Earth-1058, rescued Headpool and recruited him. Returning to Earth-616, Deadpool introduced all the members of the Deadpool Corps as they prepared themselves for their suicide mission with hardcore training by playing the latest in Deadpool-616's video game collection. They received a spaceship from the Elders that would aid them in their mission, dubbed the Bea Arthur.

During their adventures, they encountered Tryco Slatterus, AKA Champion, an Elder of the Universe who was consumed with rage at the prospect of the Corps being chosen over him to defend all that is. They humiliated him on several occasions and then invited him to join their team under the moniker Championpool. But the Corps soon left him stranded on a deserted planet.

They soon discovered that the foe threatening the Multiverse was the Awareness, a cosmic entity whose appetite was boundless, and whose evil had devoured entire galaxies. They hitched a ride on a smuggler’s ship, piloted by the mysterious space pirate, the Broken Blade, who promised to escort the Corps to the Awareness. Deadpool and the Broken Blade shared a fling during their time together. En route, they were ambushed by a fleet of the Awareness’ slave ships and confronted the Awareness. Though the Awareness entered the Corps’ individual minds with his mind wave amplifier, turning their minds against them. Headpool was spared and found the controller, cutting off his connection to the Deadpool Corps. The Awareness defended himself, claiming to be the last of his kind and was taking out his grief on the entirety of existence. While Deadpool thought about sparing him, Lady Deadpool slayed him. With the universe saved, the Elder of the Universe appeared and bestowed gifts in the form of rings. If ever they needed an Elder, they could employ the ring but only once.

On their way home, the Omega Confederation hired the Corps to quell a rebellion of the indigenous Krook on the resource-rich planet Kagan 7. Deadpool quickly realized the Krook would pay more for their service and switched sides. But it sparks a civil war on the planet, between the traditional Krook King and his ambitious daughter, Princess Teela. Of course, Deadpool falls in love with the Princess while the rest of the Corps sides with the King. The ongoing conflict sent the Omega Confederation into a frenzy as they sought to regain control of the planet and take revenge on the Corps. Deadpool began plundering gold vaults in the capital city but soon ran afoul of Broken Blade, his old flame, who wasn’t happy about his antics on Kagan, so much so she left an explosive device on his ship. Broken Blade demanded an apology and even though Deadpool said his sorrys, she needed someone more dependable and she left him (with instructions on how to deactivate the device). They soon faced the Graag, the Omega Confederation’s exterminators, and in a fight to the death, they won, but their spaceship’s engines were damaged. They used one of the Elder-summoning rings and despite the Elder being upset they were called to perform ship maintenance, they fixed it and left in a huff. Parting ways with the Omega Confederation, the Deadpool Corps left them an explosive gift. They soon heard from the King and his daughter Princess Teela who informed them that the gold was painted lead. Deadpool used another magic ring to summon an Elder, to which a group of Elders responded. Seeing that they abused the rings, the Elders were fed up and sent them all back to their home dimensions. The Deadpool Corps were no more.

However, a Super Villain of epic proportions called them back into action. When Dreadpool of Earth-12101, came to believe that he and his fellow Wades were the progenitors of the universe, he decided to kill all the other Deadpools and end all existence. He recruited a crew of no-goodnik ‘Pools from across reality who were committed to helping him seal the deal. But the Deadpool Corps, the team of goody-two-shoe ‘Pools, were called into action. Adding Pandapool to their ranks, the species that makes you endangered, and with a Watcher on their side, they set out to stop Dreadpool and the Evil Deadpool Corps. But in their valiant efforts, many of the Deadpool Corps perished, including Headpool, Kidpool, and Dogpool, the latter of whom sacrificed himself to save his teammates. 

With just Deadpool-616 and Pandapool left, and their Watcher, they ended up in a world where the Nexus of All Realities was exhausted. The Watcher sacrificed himself to re-power the Nexus and the duo used it to face the remaining Evil Deadpool Corps. Though outnumbered, they were soon joined by a handful of good Deadpools interested in helping out the cause. They fought bravely until only Deadpool-616 and Dreadpool remained. Dreadpool came to regret his choices and in a moment where Deadpool-616 seemed to let him off the hook, but in classic Deadpool form, he instead decapitated Dreadpool for killing his friends.

Base of Operations, Current Members, Former Members
  • Base of Operations

  • Current Members

  • Former Members