The Pride was called together in the past by the Gibborim. The six members of the Pride who served them best would be allowed to rule over the paradise that Earth would become once the Gibborim achieved their goal. The remaining six members would perish with the rest of the human race. For 25 years the Gibborim had given The Pride wealth and power over the entire "city of angels".
Every year, the Pride gathered at the Wilder residence, ostensibly for an annual charity fundraiser, while in reality, they would perform the "Rite of Blood," a ritual sacrifice of an innocent victim; the spirit of the victim would then be fed to the Gibborim in the subsequent "Rite of Thunder." After Janet Stein became pregnant, the Pride agreed to end its struggle against one another. Each couple would instead ensure their child would receive one of the six places in the coming paradise.
The Pride were defeated by their children, the Runaways, who caused the Gibborim to destroy their parents in a huge explosion. Recently the Pride was reformed with a resurrected Geoffrey Wilder, albeit in a younger form.