From big money to love triangles to crazy costumes, By The Numbers breaks down your favorite Marvels shows, comics, & films to bring you enlightening graphics & astounding numbers!
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By the Numbers

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'Marvel's Runaways' — Romance and Relationships By the Numbers

Watch Season 2 December 21 only on Hulu!


By the Numbers: The Powers of the Spider-Verse

Get an infographic look at the stats behind every spider-hero in the Marvel Multiverse!

TV Shows

Infographic: Daredevil’s Huge Medical Costs

Walt Hickey delivers a breakdown of the price of pain dealt on 'Marvel's Daredevil'!

TV Shows

Breaking Down Over 60 Betrayals and Backstabs in Season 1 of 'Marvel's Iron Fist'

Use a handy infographic to comb through the numbers with Walt Hickey!

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