

Muneeba Khan is a dedicated wife to Yusuf Khan and loving mother to her two children, Aamir and Kamala, the latter of which becomes the teenaged Super Hero Ms. Marvel.


A Surprise Birth

Hailing from Pakistan, Muneeba marries Yusuf Khan and together they have a son, Aamir. After a difficult birth, doctors believe that she would be unable to bear another child. Muneeba and her family then move to Jersey City, New Jersey, in the United States, where Yusuf becomes a banker and they raise their son. 

Then, considering themselves blessed by their subsequent daughter’s birth, Muneeba and her husband Yusuf named her Kamala—a derivative of “kamal,” which is the Arabic word for “perfection.” With Yusuf, Muneeba raises her children according to their Muslim traditions, which by American standards sometimes seem strict, especially to Kamala when she becomes a teenager.


Family Ties

There’s nothing more important to Muneeba than her family and her faith. She understands the relationships between her family members and has a keen eye, able to dispel the truth when they need to hear it. On her own, she figures out her daughter’s secret, that she leads a double life as the Super Hero Ms. Marvel, and supports her.


A Mother’s Love

For many months during Kamala’s teenage years, Muneeba watched her daughter grow up and change while her son Aamir faced unemployment. She became upset when Kamala snuck out in costume and returned home after curfew.

Muneeba eventually learned of Kamala’s heroic pursuits but feigned ignorance, wanting her daughter to tell her herself. When the world was coming to an end, Kamala finally revealed her secret identity to her mother, and was stunned to learn that she already knew. Muneeba explained that she had known for several months, noticing not only a change in her daughter, but connecting when Ms. Marvel was in the news and Kamala would return home at night after sneaking out. When Kamala asked if she was mad at her, Muneeba said no and praised her for helping people and thanked God for raising a righteous child. She told Kamala she was proud of her and embraced her.

After the Multiverse ended and was subsequently restored, Muneeba found out that Yusuf had an incurable disease. She decided it was time for him to know the truth about their daughter’s extra curricular activities. When Kamala came home, Muneeba and her husband broached the subject. Kamala felt immediately betrayed by her mother, but when Muneeba tried to tell her why, Yusuf stopped her and stepped in. He scolded Kamala and told her that her antics as a costumed hero were over, citing that it was too dangerous. Kamala stormed out.

Soon afterward, Muneeba and Yusuf were captured by strange mages from another planet, and subsequently liberated by their daughter Ms. Marvel. They listened to the mages tell Kamala that they believed she was their prophesied “Destined One” who would save their people from annihilation. Listening to them, Muneeba agreed that they would go with Kamala and the mages whisked them away before Yusuf and Kamala could argue. After arriving on the planet Saffa, Kamala led them but both Muneeba and Yusuf objected, trying to tell her what to do. Kamala yelled at them to trust her and despite the shock of her firm stance, they followed their daughter . Kamala helped save Saffa and upon returning to Earth, Muneeba stood by as her husband told Kamala the truth about his disease.  

After her son Aamir married Tyesha Hillman, they have a son named Malik, making Muneeba and Yusuf grandparents.